Code | Message |
accounts_failed | Could not fetch customers accounts |
authorized_person | Access by an authorized person is not permitted |
balance_failed | Could not fetch account balance |
bank_code_unknown | Entered bank code is unknown |
country_id_invalid | The country code is not valid |
consent_invalid | The consent is no longer valid |
client_aborted | Customer aborted |
client_not_started | Session did not get used by any customer |
forced_transport_disabled | The transport to the bank has been renewed |
init_failed | Bank did not respond |
login_failed | The customer could not log in |
login_next_failed | The customer could not log in |
max_login_tries | Max login tries were reached |
max_tan_tries | Max TAN tries was reached |
no_compatible_accounts | There are no accounts compatible with this product |
no_transports_found | Bank not supported |
pinned_holder_not_found | The pinned holder was not found for the account |
pinned_iban_not_found | The pinned IBAN was not found in the list of accounts |
pp_not_checked | Customer did not accept privacy policy |
session_expired | Session is expired |
security_setting_rejection | A rejection due to one of various security/fraud reasons |
standing_orders_failed | Could not fetch standing orders |
tan_failed | The customer entered a wrong TAN |
tech_error | Technical error |
testmode_error | Valid bank accounts can not be used in test mode |
token_mismatch | Security violation (CSRF tokens not matching) |
transaction_failed | Submitting transaction failed |
turnovers_failed | Could not fetch account turnovers |
tx_rx_iban_equal | Sender and recipient accounts are identical |
validation_failed | Validation failed |
wrong_tan | The customer entered a wrong TAN |
Last updated